Tuesday, November 6, 2007


"Loneliness prompt" from http://onebreathpoetry

body failing
shaking with two canes
the leaves dance free

Walking with two canes these days as I live with Parkinson's, I enjoy the autumn changes, the leaves blowing here and there. I breathe in the blue skies, and always wonder at the surrounding mountains.

between the gusts of wind winter comes


Roswila said...

Thank you. I have arthritis in both knees, so really felt this haiku and its uplifting beauty of the leaves.

Judy Brutz said...

Dear Roswilla,
Thank you for your words. Did you see the haiku after the prose?

between the gusts of wind winter comes

Blessings, Judy

Laure said...

Thank you for this beautiful Haiku.

Jo said...

A lovely haiku, I particularly like the image of the free dancing leaves. Thanks for stopping by my blog -- just to clarify, it's my mom who has just been widowed, not me. I'm sorry to hear about your Parkinson's....life can be such a struggle.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

excellent pair of haiku - almost a haibun with the prose.

thanks for your perceptive comment on my "loneliness" post

cheers, gerald

Crafty Green Poet said...

both your haiku are very lovely, and both have layers of meaning

Anonymous said...

You piece resonates the beauties of nature and the struggles of living. It reflects insight and courage. And yes, winter is coming...

Anonymous said...

Hello, dear Judy, and thank you for this beautiful site and your words that do bless. I was thinking about you and checked in here--I am so glad I did. Blessings to you, David, and your family.