Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Freedom Haiku Prompt

wilderness path
discovering the unknown
Craters of the Moon.
How will I know when I have reached the end? What is the end? I walk the Blessing Path and discover delight in the earth. I am set free, able to let go of abilities and to open to receiving joy and peace.


Anonymous said...

..amen... in agreement...

Anonymous said...

We never reach the end. We always find a new path.

voice of reason

Quiet Paths said...

Very serene piece and yes, liberating Judy.

Anonymous said...

..goes on the search for freedom ..thanks for these tender emotions..

Anonymous said...

What an amazing place you chose to write about. I visited when I was young and still remember the strange bleakness of the place. Looks like there is more plant-life now.

Thanks for this poem and photo.

SandyCarlson said...

No need to worry about the end so long as the path is under your feet!
Writing in Faith: Poems

Raven said...

Wonderful haiku & post. Sorry I am so late visiting. Your photo is wonderful.

Unknown said...

The photo is lovely! I'm over hereon your blog to reply to the comment you left on mine. The Peace Project is being run by a woman in Ohio, who is collecting a handmade textile flag for every country in the world, and then turning them into a banner. Her blog with all the info is here:

There is also a Ravelry group set up about it here:

All the best.
