Friday, October 12, 2007

Unerblessed Planet

Photograph by Judy Brutz

" One of the greatest needs this planet has for healing is blessing. It is underblessed. Underblessed is like empty calories.

A blessing enhances possibilities for good. Like an enzyme for growth,

like a catalyst in a chemical process, blessings serve to help a living process surmount the barriers that obstruct it."

Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Jewish WithFeeling

Al Gore blesses the earth and all the people with his production and distribution of An Inconvenient Truth.

Today it is announced that Al Gore and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

How am I, and each one of us, to bless the earth, life, and the peoples that inhabit our planet?
I am living with Parkinson's and realize I no longer have the abilities to get out there and clean a stream. My energies are flagging. I commit myself to blessing.

Bless the earth and her inhabitants.
Bless the people of our planet with
compassion, cooperation and community.
Bring us into atunement with Mother Earth.
Thank you.


Lorcan said...

Dear Friend:
What a LOVELY blog! I'll add thy blog to my links, if I may.

Thine dearly in frith and fFriendship

Judy Brutz said...

Dear Lorcan,

I would be delighted if you add my blog link to yours.
