Saturday, October 20, 2007


Photograph by: Judy Brutz

through transitions
2007, Judy Brutz
"Very often now, instead of saying 'Thank you,' I say, 'Bless you,' and people appreciate it much, much more. Last week, for instance, someone
responded, 'I could use a blessing.' "
Toinette Lippe, Caught in the Act.

What is there about saying "Bless you" instead of "Thank you" that feels awkward or embarrassing? Am I all that tied into what people think of Me? How free am I to be myself? I will practice being in the moment, waiting and listening to receive guidance from the Holy One. - Judy


Rae Trigg said...

What a lovely photo and haiku! I enjoyed both.

Anonymous said...

Cute couple. Expresses the 'closeness' prompt perfectly along with the lovely words, concise, meaningful.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful haiku for this week's prompt!

Anonymous said...

So sweet, through thick and thin. Lovely ;P

Anonymous said...

Very fine take on the prompt this week. Weathering the transitions adds profound dimensions.